About Us

We are Tammy and James Kearce.
Together we own and operate
KearceCrafted - A family brand.

Crossing the Texas Mexico border

The KearceCrafted Brand includes: 

KearceCrafted Farms

kearcecrafted forage farm
Located at 841 N. 1st. Street in historic DeFuniak Springs, Florida, KearceCrafted Forage Farm is owned and operated by Tammy and James Kearce and specializes in fruits, herbs, and hardwoods, Visitors are invited to forage and frolic on the 50-acre farm, which features miles of trails, a 15-acre wetland, and a wide variety of foragable crops. 
Sawmilled beams and lumber are currently available for pre-order. Furniture and flooring will be available in the future.

KearceCrafted Communication
A.K.A. KearceCom

Tammy Kearce- General Manager and Creative Director
James Kearce- Technical Director and Logistics Coordinator
KearceCom has been bringing news of the Gulf Coast to the southeast for more than 20 years. 
KearceCom is also the home of TammyTalk.com and Tammy Talk TV, where we share ways to build a healthy, happy life.

Tammy Kearce creator of the Everyday Vacay Cyber Seminar Series in TV interview

KearceCrafted Homes: 

Kearcecrafted Homes
James Kearce- Chief Operating Officer and Property Manager
Tammy Kearce- Communications Director and Financial Officer

As a former builder/contractor, James renovates all new additions to the KearceCrafted Rental Fleet and updates existing fleet members as needs arise.
